In today's lesson I have continued to change my magazine article and contents page according to the feedback I received from my teacher and my target audience. I have taken many screen shots of my progress throughout the lesson and I will upload these to my construction page at a later date.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Diary Entry 12th December 2013
In today's lesson I will be creating feedback forms for all of my drafts so far for my music magazine. In will also be scanning in all of the feedback I have received from my teacher so far.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Diary Entry 8th December 2013
Today I have answered question one of the evaluation for my music magazine draft. I have used prezi to do this.I have also included many images and some Youtube videos to explain why a certain target audience would like my magazine.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Diary Entry 5th December 2013
In today's lesson I have added several changes to the front cover of my music magazine, for my deadline tomorrow I need to print off all of the draft work I have completed so far in order to get my teachers feedback.
Diary Entry 5th December 2013
Today I will be continuing to create the draft front cover for my music magazine. I have made several changes to my design, for example colour change I will show that I have made these by uploading print screens to my construction page later on.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Diary Entry 26th November 2013
In todays lesson I am going to start the front cover draft for my music magazine. I am going to use my final hand drawn drafts to help me to do this. I am going to also take continuous screen shots to keep track of all of the progress I make during the development of my front cover draft.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Diary Entry 24th November 2013
Today I have updated my construction page, with screen shots and an explanation, on all of the work I have made on my article draft and my contents draft so far, I will continue to do this throughout my construction.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Diary Entry 21st November 2013
In this lesson, I shall be aiming to add all of the images to my contents page draft. I am going to add page numbers too to each of the images to show they are related to a certain page. I shall then begin to add text to my contents page.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Diary Entry 18th November 2013
In today's lesson I have begun to create my music magazine contents page. I have added the title of the page and I have also begun to cut out the artist from the background and I have inserted the background of which I would like the artist to be in front of .
Diary Entry 18th November 2013
In today's lesson I will be beginning to create my music magazine contents page, on Photoshop. I will be using my final hand drawn draft to guide me on this.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Below in the green writing is the feed back I have received from my teacher, explaining what I need to do to improve my pop music magazine.
The next three feed back forms are from the target audience of my magazine, explaining what they think I need to improve, to make my magazine more professional and pop like.
I will be taking on-board all of this feedback from my teacher and my target audience I will then make changes to my article accordingly.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Diary Enrty 15th November 2013
In todays lesson I am going to be creating my feedback form for my article and printing them off. I will also be collecting feedback from class mates and teachers to help me on what I need to improve on and what I need to add to make my article more appealing and more professional.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Diary Entry 14th Novemeber 2013
In todays lesson I have created feedback sheets for my construction. I have listed many questions so that I can get valuable feedback that will help me improve my article layout, image, text and context.
Diary Entry 14th Novemeber 2013
In this lesson, I will be continuing with the construction for my music magazine article, I have already input all of the feature I need to add, I will now be improving the layout slightly, to make it look more professional and appropriate for the specific target audience.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Diary Entry 12th November 2013
In today's lesson I continued to complete my article draft, I began to add text to the left page and I have taken many screen shot to show my alterations and inputs to the magazine article page, I have made this lesson.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Diary Entry 11th November 2013
In today's lesson I have continued to use photo shop to create my music magazine article draft. I have completely cropped out my artist from the background of the photograph and have now begun to add the headline and text to the right hand side of my page.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Diary Entry 7th November 2013
In today's lesson I have begun to create my magazine article draft, I have started to crop out and edit my main article image, I have taken screen shots throughout my progress which I shall upload later to show this.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Diary Entry 5th Novemeber 2013
In todays lesson I will be listening to my teachers feedback to begin to write up and set myself a new SMART target and assess my current work based on the mark scheme.
Friday, 1 November 2013
Diary Entry 1st November 2013
Today I uploaded my final layout of my music magazine's Front Cover, Contents and Double Page spread I uploaded these to my planning page of my blog.
Diary Entry 28th October 2013
Today I have drawn up my final hand drawn draft of my contents page and given a detailed explanation of why I have used certain conventions.
Diary Entry 26th October 2013
Today I have hand drawn up my final design of my cover page for my music magazine. I have included a detailed explanation of why I have used some magazine conventions.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Diary Entry 24th October 2013
During this lesson I will be uploading my 2nd drafts of my initial plan to my planning page of my blog. I will also be writing a post about an Introduction To Photography session, which I attented on the 22nd October 2013.
Photography Introduction.
Photography Introduction.
On Tuesday I went to a photography session in which I learnt all about what makes a better shot, what the best cameras are to use and what it takes to book the college studio to use for my photo shoot.
At the start of the session I learnt all about how to book the college studio, in order to do this I need to go to the art office and book a date and a time to use the studio with a technician in advance prior to the photo shoot. After this I will then need to let my teacher know about when the photo shoot is. On the day I will need to go to the art office and ask a technician to unlock the studio, I will then need to once completed my photo shot for my magazine ask the technician to check the room over and then it will be allowed to be locked.
In regards to taking the photos for my music magazine I will need to plan my shoot thoroughly and have a very good idea of who I want to be my model, what costume, props and makeup that I want my model to wear/use, I will also need to organise the set up where the photos will be taken. In the introduction session I learnt that the image will be better to crop on a white background. I also learnt the do's and dont's of photography.
When taking my photos I need to make sure that I don't have any random poses, that are not related to my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. I need to make sure that if I am cropping in a background that the photo needs to be taken, against a white background as this is easiest to crop and finally don't place your main image in the magazine article double page spread in the middle of the two pages as this looks unprofessional and doesn't look very good as the image is then not clear.
In order to have very good and professional looking photos, I need to take high quality pictures, using an SLR camera, I also need to have planned my photos well, maybe using mood boards to help with my planning, to experiment with depth of field as this makes the photos textured and adds depth. Have appropriate Representations, pose, costume, props, hair and makeup.
In the introduction to photography I also learnt that it is very important to consider these points when taking photos professionally: lighting, What is in the frame shot (background, clothing, pose , props) , Models - use a person that is not camera shy and will be willing to be in your photographs, they also need to be willing to pose confidently in front of the camera, shot positions (long, mid or close) Although I leanrt these important things I also learnt that the quality of the photo is important and that it is no point having all of these things perfect and to a good standard and then have a poor photo quality.
And finally for my blog I will need to keep all photos taken so that I can choose the best photos for my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread article.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Diary Entry 22nd October 2013
In today's lesson I will be continuing to write my 1500 double page article, i will then be typing it up onto the computer.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Diary Entry 21st October 2013
In todays lesson we had a power cut, so I decided to begin to write out my 1500 word magazine article on paper.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Diary Entry 20th October 2013
Today I have created a table for my font types and I am going to ask people what font type they prefer for the Masthead, Headline and main text font.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Diary Entry 18th October 2013
In today's lesson I will be searching for fonts that I would like to use for my music magazine, mast head, headline and article text.
Dairy Entry 17th October 2013
In today's lesson I uploaded my initial plans to the planning page of my blog and have begun to analyse them.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Diary Entry 17th October 2013
During today's lesson I will be uploading my A3 initial drafts of my own music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread article. I will also be developing my initial plan ideas by researching different font types for my masthead.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Diary Entry 15th October 2013
In todays lesson I will uploading my preliminary task magazine 'Pulse', to the preliminary page on my blog. I will also be describing what I had to do in the task.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Diary Entry 14th October 2013
In today's lesson I collected my Survey Monkey results, uploaded the screen shots to my blog and gave brief description and analysis of each question asked on my survey.
Update on SMART Target.
So far I feel that I am keeping to my smart target. I am setting goals for my-self each lesson/task and this is helping me to achieve each task efficiently. I have had some time management problems on a couple of the tasks, as I did not work my hardest in a few lessons which meant that I lost time, but I have eventually caught back up again. I am also determined to not let this happen again.
Update on SMART Target.
So far I feel that I am keeping to my smart target. I am setting goals for my-self each lesson/task and this is helping me to achieve each task efficiently. I have had some time management problems on a couple of the tasks, as I did not work my hardest in a few lessons which meant that I lost time, but I have eventually caught back up again. I am also determined to not let this happen again.
Diary Entry 14th October 2013
In today's lesson I will be collecting my Survey Monkey data, analysing and uploading the screen shots of my Survey Monkey results to the research page of my blog.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Diary Entry 11th October 2013
In today's lesson I added the headline, strap line, cover lines and a pug to my magazine cover and began to create my contents page for my magazine.
Diary Entry 10th October 2013
Today I continued to create my preliminary magazine front cover on Photoshop. I came across a few problems with inserting a background image but after trail and error, I finally managed to insert a background image to my magazine cover.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Diary Entry 9th October 2013
Today I recorded my mood board pod cast and posted the link to my music magazine survey on Facebook and Twitter. I have taken screen shots of my posts which I will later on upload to my research page.
Diary Entry 8th October 2013
Today I learnt how to use Photoshop to begin creating the front cover for my preliminary task. I had a few problems along the way such as enlarging the background image, through playing around with the buttons in the end I finally found out how to enlarge my background image. I have also noticed that my image is quite blurry as it was taken with my Ipod which does not very high mega pixels.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Music Magazine Questionnaire
This is a Link to my Music Magazine Survey. If you would like to complete this survey please do take part and click on the link below. Please take this survey seriously as it is part of my course work.Thank You.
Diary Entry 7th October 2013
In today's lesson I will be creating my questionnaire on Survey Monkey and then hopefully I will be posting it onto Facebook and Twitter, to get as many responces as possible by Friday.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Diary Entry 4th October 2013
In today's lesson I will be finishing off my pod cast script and looking at improving the textual analysis of my magazine. I will be using my time wisely to make sure I do not waste valuable time , when completing my course work.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Diary Entry 1st October 2013
In today's lesson , I learnt how to use the correct terminology to analyse a double page spread article in a magazine. I used an article and annotated it to make sure I clearly understand what terminology goes where on an article.
I also learnt different types of camera shots for example the difference between a mid-shot and a long-shot.
Monday, 30 September 2013
Diary Entry 30th September 2013
In today's lesson I will be planning and writing up the script for my Podcast, which I will be analysing the four mood boards that I have created. I will be looking at and explaining the deeper meaning of the Genre, Audience, Ideologies and Representations.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
SMART Target
My biggest weakness has to be using Photoshop and ICT properly. I will set SMART targets to help me improve my weakness and how to help me get over not knowing how to use it. I will specifically learn how to use photo shop properly to edit and arrange my photos for my magazine. I will measure how I am going to do this by setting myself specific targets on specific days to help me complete it on time and properly, by using photo shop and ICT properly I can accurately use it to make my magazine look professional and get the style I want for my magazine. I will make my targets realistic by making them achievable to start with as I can always reach a realistic target rather than pushing myself too hard to reach an unrealistic target, this will help me complete my ICT effectively to give it a professional look. I will set myself time boundaries for when I need to complete set work by so that I do not get behind on work or miss pieces out.
Friday, 27 September 2013
What Makes A Level Four Portfolio.
What Makes A Level Four Portfolio.
This is my Poster on what makes a level four portfolio. It outlines what needs to be done specifically in order to be able to achieve a level four portfolio. The research and planning section of my portfolio must be completed by Thursday 17th October 2013. Evaluation must be completed by Friday 13th December 2013. Finally Construction must be completed by Friday 22nd November 2013. Deadlines must be met in order to achieve a level four portfolio. I must have completed my entire task by 4pm on Wednesday 15th January 2014.
In order to make sure that I complete the course work to the required level four standard, I will carefully follow every point specifically, for example I will make sure that I use elements of IT correctly and for the right purpose. I am also going to follow the portfolio exactly so that I can make sure that I do not miss anything out or make any mistakes, as I this is vital to my overall grade at the end of the course work.
Diary Entry 27th September 2013
During this lesson I am going to create my level four coursework portfolio poster and aim to have it uploaded to my blog home page. In my portfolio I am going to outline what makes a level four portfolio for research and planning, evaluation and construction.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Diary Entry 26th September 2013
In today's lesson I learnt how to upload my mood boards to my research page. Over the next couple of days I am going to aim to upload my coursework portfolio and the SMART targets for my course work.
An Introduction To My Blog
Hi, my name is Lauren Scurry. Over the next couple of months during this Media course I will be keeping a blog to keep a record on my course work and progress.
The aim of my blog is to keep a record of my music magazine course work. The course work will involve the development of my planning towards my final music magazine design. I will update my blog throughout the duration of my planning and research for my music magazine design.
Through keeping this blog and looking at it regularly, I can hopefully evaluate and improve my music magazine design and correct any possible mistakes I have made along the way.
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