Photography Introduction.
On Tuesday I went to a photography session in which I learnt all about what makes a better shot, what the best cameras are to use and what it takes to book the college studio to use for my photo shoot.
At the start of the session I learnt all about how to book the college studio, in order to do this I need to go to the art office and book a date and a time to use the studio with a technician in advance prior to the photo shoot. After this I will then need to let my teacher know about when the photo shoot is. On the day I will need to go to the art office and ask a technician to unlock the studio, I will then need to once completed my photo shot for my magazine ask the technician to check the room over and then it will be allowed to be locked.
In regards to taking the photos for my music magazine I will need to plan my shoot thoroughly and have a very good idea of who I want to be my model, what costume, props and makeup that I want my model to wear/use, I will also need to organise the set up where the photos will be taken. In the introduction session I learnt that the image will be better to crop on a white background. I also learnt the do's and dont's of photography.
When taking my photos I need to make sure that I don't have any random poses, that are not related to my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. I need to make sure that if I am cropping in a background that the photo needs to be taken, against a white background as this is easiest to crop and finally don't place your main image in the magazine article double page spread in the middle of the two pages as this looks unprofessional and doesn't look very good as the image is then not clear.
In order to have very good and professional looking photos, I need to take high quality pictures, using an SLR camera, I also need to have planned my photos well, maybe using mood boards to help with my planning, to experiment with depth of field as this makes the photos textured and adds depth. Have appropriate Representations, pose, costume, props, hair and makeup.
In the introduction to photography I also learnt that it is very important to consider these points when taking photos professionally: lighting, What is in the frame shot (background, clothing, pose , props) , Models - use a person that is not camera shy and will be willing to be in your photographs, they also need to be willing to pose confidently in front of the camera, shot positions (long, mid or close) Although I leanrt these important things I also learnt that the quality of the photo is important and that it is no point having all of these things perfect and to a good standard and then have a poor photo quality.
And finally for my blog I will need to keep all photos taken so that I can choose the best photos for my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread article.