Monday, 30 September 2013

Diary Entry 30th September 2013

In today's lesson I will be planning and writing up the script for my Podcast, which I will be analysing the four mood boards that I have created. I will be looking at and explaining the deeper meaning of the Genre, Audience, Ideologies and Representations.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

SMART Target

My biggest weakness has to be using Photoshop and ICT properly. I will set SMART targets to help me improve my weakness and how to help me get over not knowing how to use it. I will specifically learn how to use photo shop properly to edit and arrange my photos for my magazine. I will measure how I am going to do this by setting myself specific targets on specific days to help me complete it on time and properly, by using photo shop and ICT properly I can accurately use it to make my magazine look professional and get the style I want for my magazine. I will make my targets realistic by making them achievable to start with as I can always reach a realistic target rather than pushing myself too hard to reach an unrealistic target, this will help me complete my ICT effectively to give it a professional look. I will set myself time boundaries for when I need to complete set work by so that I do not get behind on work or miss pieces out. 

Friday, 27 September 2013

What Makes A Level Four Portfolio.

What Makes A Level Four Portfolio.

This is my Poster on what makes a level four portfolio. It outlines what needs to be done specifically in order to be able to achieve a level four portfolio. The research and planning section of my portfolio must be completed by Thursday 17th October 2013. Evaluation must be completed by Friday 13th December 2013. Finally Construction must be completed by Friday 22nd November 2013. Deadlines must be met in order to achieve a level four portfolio. I must have completed my entire task by 4pm on Wednesday 15th January 2014.
 In order to make sure that I complete the course work to the required level four standard, I will carefully follow every point specifically, for example I will make sure that I use elements of IT correctly and for the right purpose. I am also going to follow the portfolio exactly so that I can make sure that I do not miss anything out or make any mistakes, as I this is vital to my overall grade at the end of the course work.

Diary Entry 27th September 2013

During this lesson I am going to create my level four coursework portfolio poster and aim to have it uploaded to my blog home page. In my portfolio I am going to outline what makes a level four portfolio for research and planning, evaluation and construction.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Diary Entry 26th September 2013

In today's lesson I learnt how to upload my mood boards to my research page. Over the next couple of days I am going to aim to upload my coursework portfolio and the SMART targets for my course work.

An Introduction To My Blog

Hi, my name is Lauren Scurry. Over the next couple of months during this Media course I will be keeping a blog to keep a record on my course work and progress.

The aim of my blog is to keep a record of my music magazine course work. The course work will involve the development of my planning towards my final music magazine design. I will update my blog throughout the duration of my planning and research for my music magazine design.

Through keeping this blog and looking at it regularly, I can hopefully evaluate and improve my music magazine design and correct any possible mistakes I have made along the way.